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U.S. steel imports nearly doubled in July
Publish Time: 2020.09.02 View: 500

Monthly us steel imports rose 92.5 per cent from June to 2440,509 tonnes in July 2020, according to preliminary census data from the Commerce Department.That’s down 8.8 percent from the same period last year.In terms of value, U.S. steel imports totaled $1.71 billion in July, $1.19 billion in June, and $2.39 billion in July 2019.

The main sources of U.S. steel imports in July were Brazil, which exported 1119,140 tons.Canada 380,689 metric tons;Mexico produced 21,095 tonnes, South Korea 143,512 tonnes and Germany 85,274 tonnes.

According to the American Iron and Steel Association (AS1), the us steel import market share is estimated at 20 per cent by July 2020, compared with 21 per cent in June and 19 per cent year-to-date.